Wamore at PATCAD 2009
Wamore, Inc will be presenting our entire Airdrop Product Line at PATCAD 2009 in Yuma, AZ. PATCAD 2009 runs from October 19th through October 23rd at the US Army Yuma Proving Grounds. Wamore’s full famiily of AGUs will be on display and will be live airdropped during the demonstration. Wamore’s Air Guidance Units (AGUs) include:
.5K Microfly
JPADS 2K Firefly
JPADS 10K Dragonfly
42K Gigafly
Wamore’s lastest development in Airdrop Technology, the Wireless Gate Release System (WGRS) will also be available for ground demonstration as well as live airdrop. 15 CDS bundles will be individually deployed using the WGRS. Fully loading a C-130 and individually releasing CDS bundles is not possible without the WGRS.